Gagging on my cereal, body BURNING for the kids, starving. How can anyone allow it? They'd have to be dead inside. They'd have to have one mind: the conqueror's. To strip kids of their humanity, a mind has to be SO small, unquestioning. How do they live with unquestioning minds?!? With complete confidence in their ONE IDEA: that they are SUPREME & the rest of us are dirt. The thing is - for some of us - dirt is the holiest of holy beings. So that's it, then - there's them & there's us, and we worship Earth. & we want the kids to EAT. What a shocking thing, to simply want kids to eat.
O, the grief, the anguish! Nervously tapping their forks on the emptiest of plates, plates sparkling clean in the middle of a dusty bomb site, plates that look like they've never ever had food on them. Children clanging their silver forks, eyes hollowed, begging, begging us not to starve them. We have failed. Humanity has failed and we all deserve to starve, but not them
I pray & pray for doves to carry them honey & milk, dates & warm bread, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon. Eggs & polenta & tea with cream & sugar, rice & beans & more rice, rice pudding, soup and more bread. So much bounty that they have to lay down and sleep under blossoming trees full of sweet singing in soft gentle breezes with no drones or bombs or hunger, just summery grass and naps. Then wake to more - salted fish & more rice & greens & apples. I pray them love
and beg their forgiveness which we must spend lifetimes trying to earn that they never ever have to give. Which we will never deserve. Let us suffer, let us starve. Let them live & dream & be the whole world, it's their turn forever, now -