Every frightening thing
every cruel thing
everything that I thought made me less than
everything that I was too scared to talk about,
the ceiling, when the unimaginable was taking placethe ground, where my face was plantedeverything I thought would alienate me from my fellow human
all that I tried,
all that I feared was weathering me on the inside
the dissonant blue notes of the soul
and the things that I dread
make me a softer human, a stronger human, more dynamic in love,
an urgent artist.
Every frightening thing
every cruel thing,
everything that you fear makes you less than,
all you shudder to bring about in thought.
The missteps, the black cycles, the humiliations,
everything that you think could alienate you from your fellow human/
from the world in general, everything that could/should have broken you up into pieces
has already increased your capacity in another avenue,
(whether or not you have found it).
Sometimes I consider the purpose of shame. I think of shame as an intelligent mechanism for keeping us good and quiet
trapped precisely where we are,
where we have been. Will we beat ourselves up over yesterdays circumstances? Will we allow others to do the same? Will we continue doing it to each other? Will we call ourselves the things we were calling ourselves last year
even when they are no longer true?
Usually, words make things easier. I’m a convert. It helps to have a thing to call yourself,
a one-person cult in which to belonga drum to beat
a scripture (of sorts.)
What is true of language is that it must evolve. Be sure that the world you built with your words is large enough. Test it, see if you fit. If the definition needs expanding, now is the time. You, too, are changing shape.
I cannot stop giving thanks for all that I thought might kill me.
I’m deadly serious. Every day, I find new bones;
strangely enough, they are all mine. They were old forms, necessary forms, essential bodies. Every month I find a new swell of truth;
how can this be? Are we endless?
Is this one of the twisting mysteries of life?
I’m in love with the terror and beauty of it.