Baked a banana nut bread
Made a butternut squash curry with green beans, onions, cashews, coconut milk
Made a pot of basmati, a giant salad of arugula and radishes, vinaigrette of apple cider vinegar, olive oil, flaky salt
Ate an orange, put the peel in vinegar to make orange essence cleaning solution
Peeled and cubed a pineapple - exotic tropical fruit! Drank a ball jar of nettles infusion from nettles I harvested last summer with big beekeeper's gloves - the sting! Cleaned
the kitchen, fridge, bathrooms. Shook out rugs, scrubbed the sink, changed the bed linens. Bed smells like wedding cake and lavender. Played the piano. Wrote five pages, meditated
Amazed at the quiet
No m80's exploding outside my door, no anti-anxiety medicine
O the turning of the earth around the sun, o time
Nothing changes on New Year's Day
We are alive, aren't we now