In this life, you will hit
banks of fog and walls
made of rocks bound together with
mud and straw -
identities. I grit my teeth -
listening -
Get with our bodies we used as ashtrays, get with
the fever to escape out of one's self every
day, the restless
scanning with the precious, delicious
aches to be
be more
other, over. It's no wonder spirals
are everything. Expect that being
isn't what we ever expected
it would, could or should be -
it won't, infinity. Acceptance
never was anything I could just
do, oppressions
I created were almost worse than the ways
of the world, gifts
cracking heads wide open, skin
drifts off. Accepting
reality doesn't mean I eat it, a thick druggy
milkshake or poisoned scallop or even
his tongue - when I let go
I'm let go - I get to learn. There's something
special to waking up to dread, in
getting bored with giving
the same thing and getting
the same thing back, something brave
to confession. There's a skill
intrinsic/I have - after
tantrums, settled grief, bound
bones, salved wounds - I can always
change. The meaning isn't
in the things
but the being
Into The Woods photo ©EUnderwood