I love myself, I told my horse. Malcolm X speaks one small step at a time. The family trade miettes de thon in the quadrant of North America is why we can't wait. Jean-Michel Basquiat I'm undecided about. The art auction game is underneath my bedside table, on top of which is a monkey and a full cup of water in a yellow Hamburgler cup I got for $1. First place blue ribbon draped over my brother and I, our mother and father, eyeglasses and dust and 3 candles - 2 pink. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Inhale and repeat silently. It is the end of America, Romeo y Julieta, who knows if it is possible to unite them now.
- Sometimes ice cream
- Wild onions
- Optimus
- Crawfish and corn bisque
- On Good Friday the animals will speak
I'm thinking I can't be the first person to call Jesus a zombie, him having risen from the dead and all.
you're not the first to call him that, but it's just so different...zombies are still dead. They're just *walking* dead.
Getting resurrected is a whole diff. deal.
Don't hesitate to call if you have questions.
Posted by: drr | 20/03/2008 at 01:28
I can't be THAT wrong - I thought zombies were the "undead", dead who are risen, like Lazarus. Like Jesus. How is "resurrected" different? Is it fully alive again, as if never having been dead? I didn't realize I knew so little about this ... I might have to call.
Posted by: EAU | 20/03/2008 at 10:40
Damned internets. I can't find any references to animals speaking on Good Friday, but I remembered it the minute you referenced it. Such an interesting idea.
It's not the end of America as the beginning of all of us. It's after the end of the world. Don't you know that yet?
Posted by: Mark Folse | 21/03/2008 at 18:31
oh the animals speak all the time at my house, but the Bible says they speak on Christmas Eve. It's just Good Friday is so solemn, the animals like to jazz it up.
End beginning end beginning/I'm reading Naomi Wolf and freaking out about the continued abuse and diaspora of my people as well as Tibet. The end of the world's already happened a few times over and then some. I'm waiting for the beginning to end all that.
Posted by: EAU | 21/03/2008 at 23:32
I have never heard of The Messiah Zombie but the thought of it makes this easter special.
Posted by: CHOMPS | 23/03/2008 at 15:46