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what can't I do) "Peace isn't the answer, liberation is the answer," Kwame Ture
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Member since 05/2004

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Your balls are awesome. And congratulations on being so deserving of great things.


Rock on, Ballsy!

JEM and L.Blossom

How great is that?!? We're happy for you.

Hilary waves from Boston


Is this the same place as the Wonder Land post?
God damn I miss the woods.

Unroll, while it fertilizes you.



Yes, it is the same SPOT! "A Studio In The Woods". Oh sigh. I had no idea it would "be" me so much ...

& I bet you miss your woods ... I've been thinking about you & J in Miss. a lot lately ... esp when I drive back here from the city.

My spots/balls amuse me to no end. They're going to hang in a tree or on a pole or something somewhere in the city. Won't that be fun?

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