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what can't I do) "Peace isn't the answer, liberation is the answer," Kwame Ture
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Member since 05/2004

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D. Shite.

Blown to bits by this. I'm gonna do something even if it's just come down to take you out to eat a full course meal or rent you a hotel room you can take a bath in.


Well said sis. Don't forget it's always been though, glaring if your looking, unrelenting if you give half a shit about other people's lives.


Lots of soul. Wee put. Like walking on that tightrope over an abyss.


Well put is what I meant to type.


Yes it has always been, what a fucked up heartbroken world it is. I can say though, about NOrleans, that it has not always been exactly this, this bad, this extreme, this dangerous. It just hasn't. It's maddening. The lack of leadership, the bad management, the fear. However we remain devoted, we're not going anywhere


i long to return to her, to the city i love (and i know loves me back) - but can i? i moved away years ago, to try to get something she couldn't offer. now that i can come back, should i?

i struggle with duality of my thoughts:
'will my family be safe?'/'i could get hit by a bus if i step outside of my house'

'i want to stand arm-in-arm with my brothers and sisters in NOLA/'i can't find the strength to fight'

'i want to return to what i remember'/'i can never get back those carefree days

'i want to help the children/'i must be here for my boy' etc.

Be strong, my girl
my ELI, my NOLA



ah, yes, the old see saw of whether or not you can live here. Believe me, we feel it about once a day, it's a CONSTANT questioning. Which is why it works for me (I think I was Socrates in a past life).

Having a child, though, gosh, that would change everything for me in regards to whether or not I could/would take the physical/environmental/emotional risks that are part & parcel of life in a war zone.
Which is why I've not had kids ... I'm a selfish mo-fo who wants to be able to take these risks.

My point being though that I very much understand your dilemma/the experience of not knowing that you're dealing with, though I don't know what it is to be a mother. My point being we're all united in the constant introspection that loving a city like this, in this place, in this time, requires. And it's what I ask of those on the outside who might not love us/this place that much.

I need some coffee. I miss you girl. I guess I'll see (and SOL!) you AT THE WEDDING!!!!


The band made a donation to the Louisiana SPCA in New Orleans in your name.


I'm so touched! Thank you. I volunteer there, did you know? I assume you did ---


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I was thinking of Helen Hill today, looking through the net, and came across your blog entry. What a beautiful piece of writing. You really captured the pain and frustration enmeshed with defiant hope that so many of us were going through at the time and continue to feel on some level every day in this city. This, especially, stung me to the core and had me tearing up in agreement:

"Do you know how close we are to the edge, to crumbling off the body of this country and sinking leaving a slow whirl of beads and bullets in our wake? How close we are to the abyss that every single human being on this planet is eventually confronted with? How close to the bone and heart we live, how honed to the essence, how much we have to celebrate and defend, and what can be learned from this."

I noticed the blog stops in Aug 2010- I hope things are going well for you and that you continue to write in whatever capacity satisfies- thank you for putting this articulate and poetic piece out there.

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