I have a lot to say, a lot to holler, and a lot to listen to right now. Yes yes yes I am a floaty red balloon, maybe yellow. Working my way out of working my way into working my way out of in and into out.
I'm amazed by the reaction that I'm getting in some circles for writing graphically about my experiences here in New Orleans: a lot of sensitive lefties are just not responding. Silence is such a loud thing - I hear the recoil. Now I know full well about subjective reality (sometimes people are busy or dealing with their own struggles or just at a saturation point) but patterns are patterns. And the pattern that human beings perpetuate of witnessing trauma & then needing to run from any representations of it: I see that.
It's hard to write things like this for alot of reasons: I can see both sides of the story, I don't want to jump to conclusions (we do that all the fucking time and it's done to me all the fucking time and I think it's just nauseating), I want to be as honest as possible, but what the hay? Some people are just cowards. And I'm not here to paint pretty pictures, to make people giggle (though I do & I get great pleasure out of that) or to run away from conflict - I am not here for that. So
I'll be writing more soon about life here in New Orleans and if people don't like what I write why do they insist on reading it?