Within the past week, I've had 3 encounters with 3 different people who are disappointed in me. Who have withdrawn from my life, or just not come into it, over the past 6 months because I haven't been able to give to them in what they feel is an "equal" fashion. (There are, of course, 3 others who aren't just disappointed but are downright enraged and unforgiving (I've apologized) won't speak to me at all (a true apology doesn't come with a guaranteed outcome). But right now I'm writing about the 3 that are merely disappointed.) And I wonder, gosh, when I wrote this a short while back, here, on my public journal, for everyone to read, a missive, a mission statement if you will, or maybe just a general public apology:
"People the world over, intimates and not, might say "I understand. I can't imagine how overwhelmed you must feel. I can't conceive, it must be terrible". Yes, they might say that.
And yet a person, one person, some person who is surviving, who is suffering all of that overwhelming unimaginable-ness is still expected to "behave right". Proper, clean, inoffensively. Why would people expect that? Why wouldn't a person who has lost home, job, streets, stores, identity, city, money, love, friends, food, fragrance, joy, comfort, familiarity, walls, clothes, bicycle, normalcy, plus sister, plus best friend/dog, be allowed to be a god-awful mess? To ask too much, to ask nothing, to demand attention, to hide, to make mistakes, to be an idiot, to run a red light, to hurt a best friend's feelings? To be inappropriate, to speak the unspeakable? To give voice to what it is that is so fucking horrendous that it can't even be imagined? Or to not be able to talk at all?
I am not better and I cannot behave right. I can't write back when you write, I can't stop wanting, I can't feel better overnight. I'm saying things wrong and not doing things right, I can't pick up the phone, can't stop crying, can't figure out where my people have gone, can't own up, can't get a job, can't save my dog, can't not be angry, can't find meaning, cannot shake the feeling that something irreplacable's been forever lost, I'm sorry I am terribly sorry. Smoke 'em while you got 'em, nobody loves you when you're down & out."
it didn't matter, did it? I hoped it would make a difference but I can't say it did. Such arrogance! I saw this hilarious bumpersticker "Nobody cares about your blog!" and I guess that sums it up. I mean, some people, they care enough to read and anonymously insultingly comment. Some people care enough to read and anonymously supportively comment. I know there's folks who read and don't comment at all. But the deep gist of these words, it's not that important, is it? This is just a website to visit, like Craig's List, like Comedy Central, or maybe like NOLA.com. We look, we surf, we skate right over. Nobody puts their hand in and comes out with the warmth of a good hug that resonates for hours. I like to fantasize that's possible, cuz I'm a great big dreamer lost in a great big world.
I'm slowly getting better, most invalids will if they've got a certain love of pain that translates into passion, and on the other side I'll maybe be able to make repairs to the damage the damage to me has done. Maybe I won't. I do know that no matter how sincere my intentions, my sincere acts won't result in much if I'm alone in trusting them. I'm sure it'll be unpredictable and idiosyncratic, the process of coming back out. Some folks will remain, some will not, others will be new, others will not. In the meantime, I literally keep thinking and feeling with my body that it's November, that winter's coming & I can bake bread, that time has slowed down to the pace of my pain. Aha! Fooled again!