It comes in so many forms!
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Woman, licking lips one more time, quietly speaks, but not in a whisper, "The moon's leaking passion-flower all over the earth tonight - it's come down like snowy wine - leafy solitude - precious untold secrets - of eternal almighty forgiveness - Release your grudges surrender your arms - I walked once through a field raining spears - arrows turned to petals as they fell upon my diamond heart."
My query/how to communicate an agenda without dogma? Working out this screenplay/my thesis includes, as one of its subtexts, an exploration of gender politics. But my experience of them, my investigation of them, is fluid, dynamic. The key will be how to find images that resonate with experience but not with an answer. Questions. Looking for images that are questions -vs- answers.
I'm really excited about the solar powered space ship that's being launched today. The material its made of is absolutely mesmerizing. I'd like a dress made of that, please, so the sun can propell me into space, thanks.
Posted at 10:02 | Permalink | Comments (6)
- The artist's work directing, even becoming, the labor of others
- Mastabas & ripstop nylon
- Spatialization is not the same as globalization
- soil, surface, floor, pavement/reason, basis, assumption
- An isolated salt flat or mesa -vs- a garden that dozens of keepers tend with care
- Artiface/nature = all culture, all planning, all technology
- For the water to be visible its surroundings must be closed out
- Address the question of how an artwork might rearrange or suspend that shopworn binary by the mere fact of its physical being
- Make visible the limits on the artist's body as well as the parameters of her expertise
- There's a there there
- Hot rain is falling from the skies
- In order for a work of art to remain compelling it must contatin as part of its elemental makeup a very real source of mystery.
- Mise en abime
- Finding new ways of being together
- Praxis
- the Land
- Superflex's biogas balloon, Sanpatong, Thailand, 2005
- Individual ingenuity of each denizen
- Werner Herzog "Fata Morgana" 1971
- The exterior is about the social
- Get around the problem of a factual report by introducing a fictional parameter
- You are left on your own with the wall
- Silence isolates you as the wall does
- This wall is present now.
- There is no nostalgia about it.
- Bandit of yore
- How do you write what is communicated without words?
- Jia Zhangke
- the pause, stutter, misfeed, misread, breakdown, glitch
- "Versus"
- So what's your racket?
Posted at 16:04 | Permalink | Comments (1)
- "I've taken as much acid as girls I've laid!"
- Drive a Chevelle to New York City.
- I'm concerned about women. But why? Womenseem to be doing just fine.
- Pretty is as pretty does.
- Anti anti anti
- I'm hardly ever right! I promise!
Ku: iyashikei-net by Urico Fujii and Ann Poochareon is a networked crying sculpture that allows people to communicate through the interface of tears, a physical output of human emotional expression that has been overlooked, and never made exchangeable with current communication devices.
Two sides, installed at different locations, communicate over the Internet. On Side A, Tear Well allows a sad person to express his/her feeling by pumping a traditional water pump, the water representing her/his tears. The tears are sent over to Side B over the Internet, where teardrop sculptures called KU act as networked surrogates.
As soon as Side B receives the crying signal, KUs start to cry. When a viewer on Side B wipes KUs’ tears, KUs stop crying. At the same time comforting response is sent to the sad person to cheer them up.
Posted at 11:08 | Permalink | Comments (2)
Guess if I'm gonna be one of those Lady Preachers I should prbly be more disciplined about gettin the word out. Guess I better get COX CABLE to hook me up with some internet at home. Guess I better stop f'in around writing flirty emails to strange men then.
- Flicker's there
- Black Converse/white cotton gloves
- Coffee-stain
- My dog is beautiful
- Shellac = the sound of the male monster
Posted at 18:17 | Permalink | Comments (3)
- 1926 Imperial
- 4 white dogs, not poodles
- 7 Principles of 7 Elements
- Blue glass & velvet
- I'm going to write one of those "ladies books":
Lemme start by sayin, allow me to begin, chance it to say I've got something to say. About being alive. About being an optimistic-realist, woman, highly capable, smart, you know - complex, sexual, just over 40, rock 'n roller, theorist, artist, worker, childless, joyous, pissed off, thriving, single but multiple visible force. Not being a victim. What it is to survie & flourish in this, our, a, the culture that permeates eeps into informs my daily life. Mine and yours. Whether we agree or not, that's ok. But I'm right.
They keep telling me I'd make a great lawyer, like it's a racial slur or something. usually when I've logically dismantled some argument in favor of my getting crapped on. "You'd make a great lawyer," sneered spit out. Guess it's true what's said, hurts to be wrong! And there's a lotta wrongs out there I'm gonna be telling you about. Fellas. Ladies. You feel me?
Well I'm not only going to write about what's wrong but what's right. We can disagree, I'm fine with that, love it actually, to listen to all the sides - love sitting at the kitchen table or on the porch on the phone - talking through. My book will champion the lost art of long, life-long, conversations. And also that I'm right.
Posted at 13:04 | Permalink | Comments (3)
En 1972, Nolan Bushnell fait apparaître sur nos écrans de télévision deux petites barres blanches qui s’activent à se renvoyer un gros pixel. Souvenez vous, non pas vous les jeunôts, le pong, ce jeu qui a mis votre doigt dans cet engrenage appelé l’univers vidéo ludique. Et bien aujourd’hui, un allemand, Niklas Roy le réinvente et en fait un projet « artistique » du nom de PongMechanik. Quand l’homme réinvente la machine…
- The Evens "On The Face Of It"
- The Evens "Minding One's Business"
- Timothy Olyphant/Deadwood
Posted at 16:31 | Permalink | Comments (1)
1. Avatars
2. Antilogos
3. The inherently contestational energy of nomos
4. The nature of nomadic power in the age of the virtual
5. "The computerization of culture leads to the spatialization of all information, narrative, and even time." Lev Manovich
6. It's time for some Electronic Civil Disobedience!
7. Skin hair knees
8. Searching for the (non)location
9. CAE maintains that the social dynamic of nomos, which generally appears as explosive & unstoppable moments of sacrifice, waste, excess, mania, abjectivity, uselessness and spontaneity must function as a parallel generator of resistance along-side anti-logos. These elements are the center of all individual autonomy and yet they're seldom recognized or discussed by activists.
10. Disrupt the institutions to such an extent that the occupants become disempowered.
11. Power no longer resides in buildings/tombs. Power now moves about as desired. If systems of power/control are challenged in one spatial location they just move.
12. Create a theater of operations that can disrupt.
13. Block the flow of information -vs- the flow of personnel.
14. "Lefty's" continue to act as if we still live in the age of early capital.
15. The rift between theory and practice is worse than ever.
16. Invent a new approach.
17. Nostalgia for "taking it to the streets" is not new. The streets are dead capital!
18. Is the city not maintained because it is of no value or is it of no value because it is not maintained?
19. You can't "see" power, only it's representation.
20. We must evaluate our personal mythology as we evaluate our social lives (am I gonna get laid tonight?) from a standpoint of enthusiastic civil disobedience.
21. "Bein a loudmouthed cunt I guess sometimes since he's been here this fella who 'don't wanna play no more' probably spoke of killin Wild Bill Hickok. Well we're Bill Hickock's friends." Seth Bullock
22. Macro power can only be known as a series of abstractions: "straight white males" "the ruling class" or best of all "the powers that be".
23. The more intense the defense and punishment the greater the power-value.
24. There is still a trail to follow.
26. The degree of access
26. Blocking access to information is the best means to disrupt any institution.
27. Today, domination rests on the abilitiy of an institution to move where resistance is absent, in conjunction with the ability to temporarily appropriate a given physical space as needed. (the government of the United States knows this! You should too!)
28. These institutions insist that unauthorized asccess is an "act of extreme hostility".
29. Cyberspace is far from secure ...
30. "Whether you know it or not, if you are a hacker you are a revolutionary." Dr. Crash
31. An activist, theorist, artist, hacker, lawyer = the perfect cell.
32. Since revolution is not a real option, the negation of negation is the only possible course of action.
33. Go
Posted at 10:38 | Permalink | Comments (4)
If I needed a lecture from an 82 year old man about how absurd wrinkle-cream is for men "Because wrinkles on men are dignified," but vitally necessary for women "Those wrinkles look awful!" I wouldn't have educated myself about constructed gender roles & how they play out in our culture. I mean why bother?!! If I needed that.
Posted at 16:58 | Permalink | Comments (2)
I remain enamored with those little sound-bytes on the MSN home page. "Woman Smuggles Fish In Her Skirt" "Tom & Katie avoid Nicole" "Has Love Wrecked Marriage" - little haikus of cultural sewage meant to, ultimately, dissolve our defenses and dupe us into spending some money on something unexpectedly necessary (under-eye dark circle cream, the newest easy fiction read, Dean Martin's variety show on dvd).
When Republicans went ape-shit over legalized marijuana one of them said, "It's not medicine - it gets you high. That's like saying crack cocaine is medicine!" Oh yeah, and Percocet, Darvicet, hell, codeine ... all that shit, it doesn't "get you high"? Try telling that to my prescription-drugs-are-a-great-social-buzz pals. I mean, what the hell? Tell me that white rich paranoid hater doesn't like a nice Scotch & soda when he gets home to help him forget the horrors of his daily struggle with the deep hypocrisy of Americanized Christianity & the havoc it wrecks upon the human race. Is there something in the water besides fear we're drinking? I'm so sick of all the hatin'! I'm gonna become the biggest Black Eyed Peas fan on the planet!
And I love shopping! I mean, I love going to stores and looking at products! Highlight of my week thus far: watching Kuh scoot around the new Whole Foods like a ramped up 8 year old. Man they get some psychedelic looking fruits & veggies at that corporate mega-monster! That place is a corporate monster that looks SEXY while it swallows your whole paycheck. But dang do I like to watch.
Posted at 12:56 | Permalink | Comments (5)