- A brief moment of morning television gifted me with the sight of four grown adults sitting around a round coffee-table, clearly money-ied adults, morning talk-show personalities, sniffing, gazing at, holding and discussing a candle. It's name? "His Essence". It's supposed to smell like God.
- Faint silver flares
- Lake Ponchatrain at dusk
- Powdered sugar dougnut sugar daddy
- Very aggressive hookers
- $40 sushi
- 14 year old, trashed
- Is that mine? Silently.
- Big fat pickup coils
- Rebirthing queef (compliments of Andy D.)
- What's holding up Paradise Hills?
- Ohoho Gedama!
- Bunny covered coat
- "It's not over!" she hollered at me across the empty street, "I don't know what that means but it's true!"
- I don't want no big magic, I just want an Easter basket
- If we crave affirmation for the way we see things we are destined to be forever lonely
- I don't want to fall or live outside of Nature
- Oceanic experience
- Rasterizing!
- Home-base, if I was true
- What we gain when we say "no"
- "It feels like it's taken off, it doesn't feel like destruction," A. Goldsworthy
- Gotta get back to the Mosquito Eater
- I dropped the shotgun in my Nike bag and cushioned it with five pairs of tube socks.
- Blinking tears from my eyes
- Asparagus for breakfast
- William Gibson "Burning Chrome"
- O.V. Wright "Monkey Dog"
- The Rock-A-Hulas "Gonna Lose Control"
- Gail Anderson "My Turn Now"
that password protection dance is a bitch, eh? I guess it's worth it, for yr peace of mind ...
but we're idiots ...
Posted by: detroit shit | 29/03/2005 at 11:36
YOU might be an idiot but every other person reading this journal is a GENIUS!!! Old school style!!!
I mean you're the guy who insisted that yellow lights mean "speed up" ...
and you don't even live in NOrleans ....
Posted by: eliza. | 29/03/2005 at 13:52
ahhhh basking - you always lend your eye - quick blinks - now now now and YES - come one come moan you and a megaphone - my joy
Posted by: Forkalina | 29/03/2005 at 15:45