- was the license plate I saw en route to work, need I say more?
- Abandoned kitten in our midst, elegant black French kitty, a descendent of Napolean, name: Giblét.
- The Robért boy cashier sincerely carded me (buying Vermouth for a man whose always asking "Got any vermouth?") saying "You really can't tell. I see people look older than you are younger than you!"
He fumbled & blushed. I think I coulda had him "carry my bag".
- I love Ronnie Dobbs.
- All geared up & frothin' for ThanksGiving Day. We're gonna cook savory juicy foods all morning, lay about in ballgowns and jewels, head to the track for a small wager, return home to devour our decadently heart-warming delicacies, and lounge about smoking hashish, drinking a Magnum of champagne & watching girly dvds. Ahhh, ThanksGiving ...
"Yes, can I help you?"
"Uh, maybe, I'm just wondering if I can get a different license plate number?"
"You wnat a vanity plate?"
"No, I just...don't want THIS number."
"Lemme look at it."
"What's wrong with it?"
"Um, well, it's sort of, I don't know..."
Jay Eye Zee One Six Nine. What's wrong with it? That's your number."
"What you want, Jay Eye Zee one seventy? You can step to the back of the line and get you another plate, that's your business. NEXT!"
Posted by: DMV | 24/11/2004 at 11:28
it's the 1"69" that gets me REVVED UP
Posted by: detroit s. | 24/11/2004 at 12:42
& oh, what's wrong, DO YOU HAVE THE FLU? I've never known you to pass up an opportunity to enact a Playboy Letters erotic fantasy ... I mean GROCERY BOY YOUNG & FUMBLING??? Older wiser fleshy woman??? Geez Eli, you're slipping.
Posted by: detroit s. | 24/11/2004 at 12:43