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what can't I do) "Peace isn't the answer, liberation is the answer," Kwame Ture
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Member since 05/2004

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what is "the scoop"?


it's the thing they use when they make gigantic yummy banana splits. it's silver. it gets cold.

seriously, buy me a banana split and I'll bring you up to speed.

detroit s.

girl what happened last night?


you know what's better than a banana split? pickled cherry peppers stuffed with proscutto and provalone and packed in a barrell full of olive oil!

sweet, spicy, salty, savory wonder-licious!


detroit s: UG.

familytrain: YUM. Do tell! You live in Philly. I remember it so. Deli-licious.


man, Di Bruno Bros. in the Italian Market has it ALL! I break out in a cold sweat as soon as my feet make contact with the sawdust on the floor.

and right next door you can watch a guy pull fresh mozarella out of some crazy Italian cheese-making contraption.

it freaks my mind.


OK, what's number 6 about?


Happy Talk band : it's a song about a girl who faces death, all her friends die & she's there remaining, strong, eating life up like a pie. It's My Song! Very very cheery! Kindof like Maximvs meets Big Star!

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