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what can't I do) "Peace isn't the answer, liberation is the answer," Kwame Ture
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Member since 05/2004

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It's late- has the hunter passed yet? You're probably sleeping ;-) Just thinking of you....

Man In Van

is that photo in the b'ground Eli as a kid?

Je. M.

Yeah you're a bunny but a bunny with teeth. Who'd wanna hazard shooting YOU? Who could bear it but more importantly who could survive it?


yes yes that is good ol' Eli as "Shiny Kid With Bowl Cut" ...
um, I'm a bunny with teeth JeM? I like that. Speaking of toothy bunnies, I heard yr band on SOMAFM Indie Pop Rocks today! Talk about a sensory overload ... I hadta back away from the machine and lay on the floor while the song wound out & down ...

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